REDWOOD EMPIRE ASHRAE 2022-2023 Todd Williams Memorial Scholarship
Deadline for Submission: Winter 2023 The Redwood Empire Section of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers will be awarding scholarships to a graduating high school senior from Napa, Sonoma or Marin county. The goal of the scholarship is to financially assist an outstanding student who chooses to pursue an education in an engineering discipline or an allied science (e.g. computer science, material science, applied physics or atmospheric science) related to the mission of ASHRAE. The scholarship recipient will be notified of the award in March 2023, and the funds will be disbursed upon verification that the student has registered for study at an accredited four year college or university. The student awarded the scholarship will be expected to attend an awards dinner in Spring 2023 if COVID conditions allow. Please contact Logan McGowan with questions. 2023 Scholarship Application 2020 Scholarship Application For Reference
2022 Awardees:
Kyle Favre
Christian Godinez
Collin-Jonah Yan
Molly Miller
Daniel Hadar
We wish our 2022 REASHRAE Scholarship Recipients the very best!